
  • Luka Cvetnić Croatian Veterinary Institute
  • Marko Samardžija Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Boris Habrun Croatian Veterinary Institute
  • Gordan Kompes Croatian Veterinary Institute
  • Miroslav Benić Croatian Veterinary Institute


Importance of systematic mastitis control in dairy herds is described through the presentation of data concerning mastitis occurrence and mastitis significance in modern milk production. The research was carried out by farm visits and by taking quarter samples from all lactating cows at the time of visit. Samples were taken before evening milking. Each quarter sample was tested by Zagreb mastitis test (ZMT). Furthermore, each sample was examined bacteriologically by inoculation on aesculin blood agar. Identification of grown colonies was carried out using internationally accepted methodology. Obtained results were statistically analyzed using Stata 13.1 statistical package. Quarter samples from 385 cows were analyzed. ZMT -positive reactions were noticed in 13.7% of all quarters. Mastitis pathogens were isolated from 175 (13%) of quarter samples. 145 out of 385 cows (37.3%) included in research had at least one ZMT positive quarter or permanently lost (dried off) quarter. From 106 out of 363 cows (29.8%) with all four functional quarters some of mastitis pathogens were isolated. The most frequently isolated pathogens were Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Trueperella (Arcanobacterium) pyogenes and Corynebacterium bovis. There was no statistical difference in mastitis occurrence between front and rear mammary quarters. ZMT results and microbiological examination were moderately correlated (Kappa index = 0.4662).

Author Biographies

Luka Cvetnić, Croatian Veterinary Institute

Division for bacteriology and parasitology; Laboratory for Mastitis and Quality of Raw Milk, DVM, Assistant

Marko Samardžija, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Clinic for Obstetrics and Reproduction, Full Professor, Head of Clinic

Boris Habrun, Croatian Veterinary Institute

Head of Croatian Veterinary Institute, DVM, PhD, Associate Professor

Gordan Kompes, Croatian Veterinary Institute

Division for bacteriology and parasitology; Laboratory for bacteriology, DVM, PhD, Senior Assistant

Miroslav Benić, Croatian Veterinary Institute

Division for bacteriology and parasitology; Laboratory for Mastitis and Quality of Raw Milk, DVM, PhD, Assistant Professor, Head of laboratory


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How to Cite

Cvetnić, L., Samardžija, M., Habrun, B., Kompes, G., & Benić, M. (2016). MICROBIOLOGICAL MONITORING OF MASTITIS PATHOGENS IN THE CONTROL OF UDDER HEALTH IN DAIRY COWS. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 53(3). Retrieved from https://slovetres.si/index.php/SVR/article/view/92



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