
  • Janka Vaskova Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Å afárik University in KoÅ¡ice, Tr. SNP 1, 040 66 KoÅ¡ice http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0465-7950
  • Peter Patlevič Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Science, University of PreÅ¡ov, 17th November Street 1, 081 16 PreÅ¡ov
  • Daniel Žatko Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Å afárik University in KoÅ¡ice, Tr. SNP 1, 040 66 KoÅ¡ice
  • Slavomír Marcinčák Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in KoÅ¡ice, Komenského 73, 041 81 KoÅ¡ice
  • Ladislav Vaško Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Å afárik University in KoÅ¡ice, Tr. SNP 1, 040 66 KoÅ¡ice
  • Klára Krempaská Department of Medical and Clinical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Pavol Jozef Å afárik University in KoÅ¡ice, Tr. SNP 1, 040 66 KoÅ¡ice
  • Jozef Nagy Department of Food Hygiene and Technology, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in KoÅ¡ice, Komenského 73, 041 81 KoÅ¡ice




The transportation of chickens from the poultry farm to the slaughterhouse causes stress conditions that influence the oxidative status of the whole organism and subsequently change the organoleptic properties of the meat delivered to the consumer. The aim of this work was to investigate how administering 0.6% humic acids to broiler chickens for a period of 42 days affects the level of selected enzymes directly involved in oxidative stress elimination. For the most objective estimation of the oxidative state, parameters were determined in liver and kidney mitochondria, and in the blood plasma. With regards to the chelating properties of humic acids, our interest was in monitoring the effects on the distribution of the transition metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, which serve as cofactors of antioxidant enzymes. We have found that, under normal conditions, 42 days of humic acid administration do not cause significant metal redistribution. It has a significant effect on Se excretion, according to the pronounced deposition of Se in kidney tissue, without significantly increased activity of the corresponding enzyme. This led to compensation by changes in other antioxidant enzyme activities. This is a noteworthy finding, especially after administration of longer than 42 days. In conditions caused by sudden stress, according to the detected element levels, it is possible to expect a better response in the case of humic acid administration. The effect of humic acid supplementation appeared to be organ-specific and may ultimately be beneficial for the chickens' health, stress elimination and, finally, the quality of the meat.

Key words: antioxidant enzymes; humic acids; chicken; metal cofactors; oxidative stress



Povzetek: Prevoz piščancev s perutninske farme v klavnico povzroča stresne razmere, ki vplivajo na oksidativni status celotnega organizma in kasneje spremenijo organoleptične lastnosti mesa, dostavljenega potrošniku. Cilj raziskave je bil proučiti, ali dodajanje 0,6 % huminske kisline v hrano pitovnim piščancem za 42 dni vpliva na aktivnost nekaterih encimov, ki so neposredno vključeni v urejanje in zmanjševanje oksidativnega stresa. Za objektivno ocenjevanje oksidativnega stanja so se določevali parametri v jetrnih in ledvičnih mitohondrijih ter v krvni plazmi. Kelacijske lastnosti huminske kisline so bile proučevane s spremljanjem učinkov na porazdelitev prehodnih kovin Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, ki služijo kot kofaktorji antioksidantnih encimov. Ugotovili so, da v normalnih pogojih 42-dnevno dodajanje huminske kisline ne povzroči bistvene prerazporeditve kovin. Dodajanje pa pomembno vpliva na izločanje Se glede na izrazito usedlino Se v tkivu ledvic, brez bistveno povečane aktivnosti ustreznega encima. To je privedlo do sprememb, ki so nadomestile aktivnosti drugih antioksidantnih encimov. To je pomembna ugotovitev, še posebej pri dodajanjih več kot 42 dni. V pogojih, ki jih povzroča nenadni stres, je glede na ugotovljene ravni elementov mogoče pričakovati boljši odziv pri uporabi huminske kisline. Učinek dopolnjevanja s huminsko kislino se je izkazal za organsko-specifičnega in je lahko koristen za zdravje piščancev, odpravo stresa in končno kakovost mesa.

Ključne besede: antioksidativni encimi; humične kisline; piščanec; kovinski kofaktorji; oksidativni stres


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How to Cite

Vaskova, J., Patlevič, P., Žatko, D., Marcinčák, S., Vaško, L., Krempaská, K., & Nagy, J. (2018). EFFECTS OF HUMIC ACIDS ON POULTRY UNDER STRESS CONDITIONS. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 55(4). https://doi.org/10.26873/SVR-469-2018



Original Research Article