
  • Alexey D. Sereda Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology (FRCVM)
  • Anna S. Kazakova Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology (FRCVM)
  • Ilnaz R. Imatdinov Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology (FRCVM)
  • Denis V. Kolbasov Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology (FRCVM)



This review presents comparative results of simultaneously conducted studies on proteins responsible for the haemadsorption and serotype-specific properties of African swine fever virus (ASFV). An ASFV gene EP402R (or LMW8-DR) encoding protein CD2v homologous to murine, human or porcine T-cell adhesive receptor was found. The CD2v was shown to be directly involved into a haemadsorption process, and expressed in ASFV-infected cells as a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of approximately 105-110 kDa. In the presence of a glycosylation inhibitor, tunicamycin, its molecular weight is about 42 kDa. In ASFV-infected cells labeled with 3H-glucosamine or 14C-sodium acetate, a virus-specific major glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 110-140 kDa (gp 110-140) was identified using radioimmunoprecipitation assay. Using ASFV reference strains belonging to seroimmunotypes I-IV and the corresponding antisera active in haemadsorption inhibition assay (HADIA), we determined that gp 110-140 defines the serotype specificity. Genotyping on the basis of the genetic locus encoding the CD2v and a C-type lectin protein also showed a concurrence with the grouping of ASFV isolates and strains based on their seroimmunotypes. Immunization of pigs with the gp 110-140 within liposomes, or a recombinant haemagglutinin (CD2v) protected 67 to 100% of animals from death due to their subsequent infection with homologous virulent ASFV strains. Based on the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the gp 110-140 and CD2v it is suggested that they are one and the same virus-specific glycoprotein crucial for induction of the immunological protection against ASF.

Key words: ASFV; seroimmunotypes; serotype; glycoproteins; gp 110-140; CD2v; protectivity



Povzetek: Pregledni članek predstavlja primerjavo rezultatov sočasno izvedenih raziskav o beljakovinah, ki so pomembne za hemadsorpcijo in serotipno specifične lastnosti virusa afriške prašičje kuge (ASFV; iz angl. african swine fever virus). Pri virusu ASFV je bil odkrit gen EP402R (imenovan tudi LMW8-DR), ki kodira beljakovino CD2v, ki je homologna glodavskemu, človeškemu in prašičjemu T-celičnemu adhezivnemu receptorju. Pokazalo se je, da je CD2v neposredno vpletena v proces hemadsorpcije in je izražena v celicah, okuženih z ASFV kot glikoprotein z molekulsko maso okrog 105-110 kDa. V prisotnosti zaviralca glikozilacije tunicamicina je njegova molekulska masa približno 42 kDa. V celicah, okuženih z ASFV, označenih s 3H-glukozaminom ali 14C-natrijevim acetatom, je bil s testom radioimunoprecipitacije ugotovljen virusno specifični osrednji glikoprotein z molekulsko maso 110-140 kDa (gp 110-140). Z uporabo referenčnih sevov ASFV, ki pripadajo seroimunotipom I-IV, in ustreznim antiserumom, ki so bili aktivni pri preizkusu zaviranja hemadsorpcije (HADIA), smo ugotovili, da gp 110-140 določa specifičnost serotipa. Genotipizacija na osnovi genskega lokusa, ki kodira CD2v in C-tip lektinske beljakovine, je pokazala soizražanje s skupino izolatov in sevov ASFV na podlagi njihovih seroimunotipov. Imunizacija prašičev z gp 110-140 v liposomih ali z rekombinantnim hemaglutininom (CD2v) je zaščitila od 67 do 100 odstotkov živali pred smrtjo zaradi njihove naknadne okužbe z virulentnimi sevi ASFV. Na podlagi fizikalno-kemičnih in bioloških značilnosti beljakovin gp 110-140 in CD2v menimo, da gre za isti virusni glikoprotein, ki je ključnega pomena za vzpodbuditev imunološke zaščite pred ASF.

Ključne besede: ASFV; seroimunotipi; serotip; glikoproteini; gp 110-140; CD2v; zaščita


Author Biography

Anna S. Kazakova, Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology (FRCVM)

Staff Scientist, Laboratory of Virology and Microbiology


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How to Cite

Sereda, A. D., Kazakova, A. S., Imatdinov, I. R., & Kolbasov, D. V. (2018). SEROTYPE-SPECIFIC AND HAEMADSORPTION PROTEIN OF THE AFRICAN SWINE FEVER VIRUS. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 55(3).



Review Article