
  • Mehrdad Yaripour Department of Animal Science, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht
  • Mohammad Dadashbeiki Department of Veterinary Science, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht
  • Lorella Giuliotti Department of Veterinary Science, University of Pisa
  • Alireza Seidavi Department of Animal Science, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht



The effect of supplementary vitamin E levels on the performance of broiler breeder flocks was studied. A completely randomized design with four treatments (100, 500, 1000, or 1500 IU vitamin E/kg) and three replicates per treatment was used. Each replicate included seven females and one male broiler breeder. Rearing conditions, lighting, temperature, humidity, amount of feed, and the amount of other nutrients in the diet were equal for all treatment groups and according to specifications of the management guide for broiler production. Eggs from each replicate were collected up to six times daily for nine weeks. Every three days, eggs were transferred to a hatchery and their characteristics were determined. The results showed 5- to 15-fold Vitamin E levels over the recommended daily dose had significant negative effects on hatchability and related parameters as well as on herd economic index (P<0.05).

Key words: broiler breeder; hen; tocopherol; reproductive; performance



Povzetek: V študiji smo raziskovali učinek dodajanja vitamina E na hitrost prirasta v vzrejnih brojlerskih jatah. Študija je bila zasnovana naključno s štirimi koncentracijami dodatka (100, 500, 1000 ali 1500 i.e. vitamina E/kg telesne mase) in tremi ponovitvami tretiranja za vsako koncentracijo dodanega vitamina E. Vsaka ponovitev je vključevala sedem samic in enega brojlerskega samca. Pogoji reje, razsvetljava, temperatura, vlaga, količina krme in količina drugih hranilnih snovi v prehrani so bili enaki za vse poskusne skupine in v skladu s specifikacijami reje pitovnih piščancev. Jajca iz vsake ponovitve tretiranj po skupinah so bila zbrana do šestkrat dnevno devet tednov. Vsake tri dni so bila jajca prenesena v valilnico, kjer smo določili njihove značilnosti. Rezultati so pokazali da so imele 5- do 15-kratne vrednosti vitamina E nad priporočenim dnevnim odmerkom značilno negativne učinke na sposobnost valjenja in sorodnih parametrov, kakor tudi na na čredni gospodarski indeks (P<0,05).

Ključne besede: brojlerji; kokoš; vitamin E; razmnoževanje


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How to Cite

Yaripour, M., Dadashbeiki, M., Giuliotti, L., & Seidavi, A. (2018). THE EFFECT OF SUPRAPHYSIOLOGICAL DOSES OF VITAMIN E ON PERFORMANCE OF BROILER BREEDERS FLOCK. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 55(4).



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