With this issue, we will close 2023 and it is my distinct pleasure to summarize the continued improvements of the Slovenian Veterinary Research journal we’ve made this year. To advance authors’, reviewers’, and readers’ experiences, we first updated the Open Journal System. We continuously revise and develop our instructions for authors, reviewers, and editors to streamline the pathway from submission to publication and make it easier for all. We have updated the graphical image of the journal, invited an artist to the Editorial team, and started featuring our manuscripts with illustrated artwork on the cover of the journal. With this, we want to emphasize the published work and novel discoveries, but also strengthen the interconnectedness of science and art. Furthermore, we emphasize manuscripts published in our journal or work pertinent to the discoveries on disease pathophysiology, therapy, prevention, and public health by short articles, and editorials...
Refleksija in pogled naprej – vloga veterinarskih znanstvenih revij v veterinarskih raziskavah in medicini
S to številko smo zaključili leto 2023 in v posebno veselje mi je opozoriti na novosti, ki smo jih opravili v tem letu. Da bi izboljšali izkušnje avtorjev, recenzentov in bralcev, smo posodobili sistem odprtega dostopa. Po potrebi prilagajamo navodila za avtorje, recenzente in urednike, vse z namenom izboljšanja postopkov do objave prispevkov.
Letos smo spremenili tudi grafično podobo revije in v uredništvo povabili akademsko ilustratorko. Z njenimi ilustracijami, ki krasijo naslovnice posameznih števlk, predstavljavljamo nekatere objavljene prispevke, s čimer opozarjamo na znanstveno aktualne teme in novejša odkritja, hkrati pa krepimo povezovanje z umetnostjo. S kratkimi uvodniki večkrat izpostavljamo posamezne objavjene članke, ki obravnavajo znanstveno tematiko iz področij javnega zdravja, patofiziologije, terapije in preventive bolezni...
● 1. Kubale V. Veterinary illustration: Science and art telling a story together. Slo Vet Res 2023; 60(1): 5–7.
● 2. Cestnik V. The cover and logo of Slovenian veterinary research con¬tains the Rod of Asclepius. Slo Vet Res 2023; 60(2): 49–53.
● 3. Fon Tacer K, Rajčevič U. A 2023 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine: pathway for next generation of vaccines. Slo Vet Res 60(3): 123–6.
● 4. Horvat S. Reviving the Alpine ibex: addressing genetic and health con¬cerns of Slovenian ibex with broader implications in biodiversity. Slo Vet Res 60(3): 119–21.
● 5. Majdič G, Grecs Smole B, Cestnik V. Ob šestdesetletnici izida prve številke Slovenskega veterinarskega zbornika. Vestnik Vet Zb 2021; 16(4): 265–71.
● 6. WHO. Advancing the One Health Agenda with a focus on environ¬ment. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2023. (24. 12. 2023)
● 7. Natterson-Horowitz B, Bowers K. Zoobiquity: what animals can teach us about health and the science of healing, 1st ed. Knopf; New York, 2012.
● 8. Stenvinkel P, Painer J, Johnson RJ, Natterson-Horowitz B. Biomimetics - Nature’s roadmap to insights and solutions for burden of lifestyle dis¬eases. J Intern Med 2020; 287(3): 238–51.
● 9. Wagner GP, Kshitiz, Dighe A, Levchenko A. The coevolution of placen¬tation and cancer. Annu Rev Anim Biosci 2022; 10: 259–79.
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