
  • Jungho Yoon Equine Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority, Namjo-ro 1660, Jeju-si, 63346, Jeju, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, Neungdong-ro 120, Gwangjin-gu, 05029 Seoul, Korea https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3713-3619
  • Ahram Kim Equine Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority, Namjo-ro 1660, Jeju-si, 63346, Jeju, Korea
  • Jeonghun Lee Equine Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority, Namjo-ro 1660, Jeju-si, 63346, Jeju, Korea
  • In-Soo Choi College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, Neungdong-ro 120, Gwangjin-gu, 05029 Seoul, Korea
  • Taemook Park * Equine Clinic, Jeju Stud Farm, Korea Racing Authority, Namjo-ro 1660, Jeju-si, 63346, Jeju, Korea, dr.taemook@gmail.com




balloon dilation, foal, esophageal stricture, esophagostomy, pneumonia


This case report describes a surgical and endoscopic approach for treating a complete esophageal stricture in a one-month-old Thoroughbred foal with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia. Clinical symptoms included coughing, nasal discharge, regurgitation, and lethargy. Endoscopic and ultrasonographic examinations revealed a complete esophageal obstruction caused by soft tissue stricture surrounding the esophageal lumen. The tube esophagostomy, combined anterograde retrograde esophageal assessment, and endoscopic balloon dilation were sequentially applied for the stricture lesion, along with the critical care for the secondary complications. After treatment, the foal was allowed to eat ground feed, chopped hay, and milk, and showed improved vitality. The foal was discharged on post-admission day 35.

Endoskopska in kirurška obravnava popolne strikture požiralnika pri enomesečnem čistokrvnem žrebetu s pljučnico, povzročeno z Rhodococcus equi

Izvleček: V poročilu o primeru je opisana kirurška in endoskopska obravnava popolne strikture požiralnika pri enomesečnem čistokrvnem žrebetu s pljučnico, povzročeno z Rhodococcus equi (Rhodococcus equi pneumonia). Klinični simptomi so bili kašelj, izcedek iz nosu, regurgitacija in letargija. Endoskopska in ultrazvočna preiskava je pokazala popolno obstrukcijo požiralnika, ki jo je povzročila striktura mehkih tkiv okoli lumna požiralnika. Za zdravljenje strikture smo zaporedno izvedli cevno ezofagostomo, kombinirano anterogradno retrogradno oceno požiralnika in endoskopsko balonsko dilatacijo skupaj s kritično oskrbo sekundarnih zapletov. Po zdravljenju je žrebe lahko jedlo mleto krmo, rezano seno in mleko, njegova vitalnost pa se je izboljšala. Žrebe je bilo odpuščeno 35. dan po sprejemu.

Ključne besede: balonska dilatacija; žrebe; ezofagealna striktura; ezofagostoma; pljučnica


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How to Cite

Yoon, J., Kim, A., Lee, J., Choi, I.-S., & Park, T. (2024). ENDOSCOPIC AND SURGICAL INTERVENTION OF COMPLETE ESOPHAGEAL STRICTURE IN A ONE-MONTH-OLD THOROUGHBRED FOAL WITH Rhodococcus equi PNEUMONIA. Slovenian Veterinary Research, 61(4), 299–305. https://doi.org/10.26873/SVR-1832-2024



Case Report