
  • Fredmoore Orosco Virology and Vaccine Institute of the Philippines Program, Industrial Technology Development Institute, 2S&T Fellows Program; Department of Science and Technology, Bicutan, Taguig City, 1634; Department of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Manila, Ermita, Manila, 1000, Philippines;



antiviral agents, natural compounds, PRRSV, swine industry, swine health


Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a significant viral pathogen that causes substantial economic losses to the swine industry worldwide. The limited efficacy of current therapeutic approaches and emergence of new PRRSV strains highlight the urgent need for novel antiviral strategies. Natural compounds de-rived from plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi have attracted increasing attention as po-tential antiviral agents. This comprehensive review focuses on natural compounds with antiviral activity against PRRSV and explores their mechanisms of action, efficacy, and potential applications. These compounds exhibit diverse antiviral mechanisms such as viral attachment and entry inhibition, replication suppression, and modulation of host immune responses. This review also highlights challenges and future directions in this field. Research gaps include the need for further elucidation of the precise mechanisms of action, comprehensive evaluation of safety profiles, and exploration of combination therapies to enhance efficacy. Further research and translational studies are warranted to harness the full potential of these natural compounds and pave the way for the effec-tive control and management of PRRSV infections in the swine industry.

Od naravne lekarne do zdravja prašičev: Izkoriščanje naravnih spojin proti okužbi z virusom PRRSV

Izvleček: Virus prašičjega reprodukcijskega in respiratornega sindroma (PRRSV) je pomemben virusni patogen, ki povzroča znatne gospodarske izgube v prašičereji po vsem svetu. Zaradi omejene učinkovitosti obstoječih terapevtskih pristopov in pojavov novih sevov PRRSV so nujno potrebne nove protivirusne strategije. Naravne spojine, pridobljene iz rastlin, živali, bakterij in gliv, so vse bolj poznana kot potencialna protivirusna sredstva. Ta izčrpen pregled se osredotoča na naravne spojine s protivirusnim delovanjem proti PRRSV ter raziskuje mehanizme njihovega delovanja, učinkovitost in morebitno uporabo. Te spojine imajo različne protivirusne mehanizme, kot so zaviranje pritrjevanja in vstopa virusa, zaviranje razmnoževanja in modulacija gostiteljevega imunskega odziva. Pregled izpostavlja tudi izzive in prihodnje usmeritve na tem področju. Raziskovalne vrzeli vključujejo potrebo po nadaljnjem pojasnjevanju natančnih mehanizmov delovanja, celoviti oceni varnostnih profilov in raziskovanju kombiniranih terapij za povečanje učinkovitosti. Potrebne so nadaljnje raziskave in translacijske študije, da bi izkoristili celoten potencial teh naravnih spojin in utrli pot učinkovitemu nadzoru in obvladovanju okužb z virusom PRRSV v prašičereji.

Ključne besede: protivirusna sredstva; naravne spojine; PRRSV; prašičereja


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