λ-cyhalothrin, D. polymorpha, oxidative stress, neurotoxicity, temperatureAbstract
Due to increasing climate change, it has become important to determine whether the dose-response relationship of organisms to some substances is affected by temperature. For this reason, in this study, it was aimed to reveal the effect of the temperature variable on the toxic response using the Dreissena polymorpha model organism and some of its biomarkers. For this purpose, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in Dreissena polymorpha exposed to subletal concentrations of λ-cyhalothrin at different temperatures were measured using commercial ELISA kits.
According to the results obtained, there was a statistically significant increase in MDA levels in the groups exposed to λ-cyhalothrin, while a decrease in GSH levels was found. AChE levels were inhibited especially in the groups exposed high concentrartion of λcyhalothrin. It was also found that the inhibition levels increased depending on the application times. While SOD enzyme activity decreased, CAT enzyme activity increased depending on the exposure concentration. It has been observed that different temperature have different effects on the toxicity of λ-cyhalothrin. It was observed that λ-cyhalothrin caused oxidative stress and neurotoxicity, and the toxicity of λ-cyhalothrin changed depending on the temperature.
Vrednotenje vpliva temperature na toksičnost Lambda-cihalotrina v modelnem organizmu Dreissena polymorpha z uporabo biokemijskih označevalcev
Izvleček: Zaradi naraščajočih sprememb podnebja je pomembno ugotavljati, ali temperatura vpliva na razmerje med odmerkom in odzivom organizmov na nekatere snovi. Zato je bil namen te študije prikazati vpliv spremembe temperature na toksični odziv modelnega organizma Dreissena polymorpha in nekaterih njegovih bioloških oiznačevalcev. V ta namen smo s komercialnimi testi ELISA merili koncentracijo acetilholinesteraze (AchE), katalaze (CAT), superoksid dismutaze (SOD), glutationa (GSH) in malondialdehida (MDA) v organizmu Dreissena polymorpha, izpostavljenim subletalnim odmerkom λ-cihalotrina pri različnih temperaturah.
V skupinah, izpostavljeni λ-cihalotrinu, se je statistično značilno povečala vsebnost MDA in zmanjšala vsebnost GSH. Ravni AChE so bile znižane zlasti v skupinah, ki so bile izpostavljene visoki koncentraciji λ-cihalotrina. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je bila rast inhibicije odvisna od časa aplikacije. Medtem ko se je aktivnost encima SOD zmanjšala, se je aktivnost encima CAT povečala glede na koncentracijo izpostavljenosti. Ugotovili smo, da različna temperatura različno vpliva na toksičnost λ-cihalotrina. λ-cihalotrin povzroča oksidativni stres in nevrotoksičnost, toksičnost λ-cihalotrina pa se spreminja glede na temperaturo.
Ključne besede: λ-cihalotrin; D. polymorpha; oksidativni stres; nevrotoksičnost; temperatura
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nuran Cikcikoglu Yildirim *, Osman Serdar, Zozan Ketenalp
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