Prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, Staphylococcus aureus, biofilm producerAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence, antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus and presence of enterotoxigenic as well as biofilm-forming genes in S. aureus bacteria isolated from broiler meat from traditional shops and supermarkets in Sharkia, Egypt. For this determination, two hundred fresh raw chicken meat cotton swabs were collected from the breast and thighs (100 each). S. aureus was highlighted through a coagulase test, and then phenotypic and genotypic characterizations were studied. Uniplex PCR was used to identify the occurrence of enterotoxin genes in the selected isolates. Finally, they were subjected to a biofilm formation test using 96-well flat bottom polystyrene microtiter plates; besides, biofilm-forming genes were investigated. Nineteen isolates out of the 200 samples tested positive for S. aureus (9.5 percent), No Vancomycin resistance strains were obtained, nor did any ciprofloxacin isolates for S. aureus while, all isolates were 100 % resistant for streptomycin, amoxicillin- clavulanic acid and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim S. aureus isolates were found resistant to at least one antibiotic. The multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index of S. aureus isolates was ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 with an average of 0.4. In The mecicillin resistant S.aureus (MRSA) strains carried mecA gene with a percentage of 5%, while the blaZ gene was distributed with a percentage of 5.5%, 11/200). The obtained isolates gave 60% strong biofilm formation and 40% were non-formers, with nil results for moderate or weak production isolates. The icaA gene was 100%, in comparison to icaD which was zero. It should be noted that strong biofilm former strains were only 100% positive for sea and seb. This study pointed out the higher prevalence of MDR isolates of S. aureus isolates in chicken meat due to inadequate handling and insufficient sanitary equipment and post microbial contamination. This finding highlighted the importance of broiler meat as a reservoir for antimicrobial-resistant strains of S. aureus and biofilm-forming of Staphylococcus aureus.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alaa Eldin M. A. Morshdy, Ahmed E. Tharwat, Abdallah M. A. Merwad, Nada A. M. Abdallah, Taisir Saber

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